Properties of matter elasticity pdf

When a mass of 500 g is hung from a spring, the spring stretches 3 cm. Fluids do not have their own shape but take the shape of the containing vessel. Fluid is the name given to a substance which begins to flow when external force is applied on it. For example, while designing a building, knowledge of elastic properties of materials like steel, concrete etc.

The same is true in the design of bridges, automobiles, ropeways etc. By removing this force, material turns its original shapes. An inelastic body is one that does not return to its original shape after a deformation. As an example of these properties, the stressstrain curve for a wool fibre in. Elasticity is the property of complete and immediate recovery from an. A page of properties and definitions relating to the physics of matter.

It is the ability of returning its original shape after removing the applied stress. Matter has many special properties that it can possess, which include concepts like elasticity, hardness, and solubility. In practical work, it is not always a simple matter to write down the nine elements of the. References include stress,strain,elasticity,hookes law,elastic limit,yield point,strength.

Introductory properties of matter worksheets and solutions. Elasticity properties of matterbsc 1st year youtube. Because of its mass, all matter has inertia the mass being the measure of its inertia and weight, if it is in a. Other special properties are ductility and flexibility. No matter how welldesigned bones are, they will fracture when the strength of the. The general properties of matter result from its relationship with mass and space.

Pdf notes for school exams physics xi fluid mechanics. The coefficient that relates a particular type of stress to the strain that results is called an elastic modulus plural, moduli. In this we will start first book properties of matter with first unit elasticity. Recall hookes law first stated formally by robert hooke in the true theory of elasticity or springiness 1676 ut tensio, sic vis. Tables of physics formulae this article is a summary of the laws, principles, defining quantities, and useful formulae in the analysis of equations for properties of matter.